I agree with you Erica, and with Adam, and with Susan. SOS will only get you more of the SOS.
Did you see the article on Mayor of Coronado = short version got rid of all the homeless by enforcing the existing laws! Sounds sort of like what Adam is suggesting.
It's not mean or cold hearted to be tough on drug addicts. They are literally killing themselves in public and treating everyone else to the horror show. Instead of enabling them, we need to help them stop. The Homeless Industrial Complex is harming them by enabling them.
Lately Adam has taken to posting threats against other people on Twitter. I can understand his situation must be stressful, but you seem to be fine with this.
Oh god, now I have a better understanding why people in CA are anemic and apparently unable to solve these issues. You people can't get past your own bleeding hearts and excessive egos which create severe narcissism. Newsflash, you're not doing well, you nor your business have a good reputation, as the call for more government intervention and non profit injection merely perpetuates the problem to be larger and larger. The more money the government throws at this, the worse the problem will get.
Put a steamy hot sub right there by a gated window by a sign and some way the wonderful smells waif through the air; 'Get a job and you can have one of these tasty subs!' Frigging move your business and leave the degenerate government subsidies behind. Sometimes people need tough love. Next time you see a drug addict not caring, take his stash and stop it out right there in front of them on the street, give them tough love and demand they get their act together.
If you really care about these people, you'd counsel them to stay as far away from government and subsidy programs as possible. What you people in CA may not understand, is that your pervasive and excessive faux caring which fuels your own ego, has led to half of this country offloading their homeless problems directly to CA. There are rings of corrupt people, working with 501c grant money (other peoples money aka tax money), who's sole purpose is to bus people to CA to be homeless and get more benefits in that state. And they get paid thousands of dollars per person to perform this act of bussing them around. CA is officially a magnet state for homeless, because you believe deep in your heart and souls in larger government, and a never ending expanse of subsidy programs.
You voted for it, you pay for it, and you get it. That simple. If you don't like living in an apocalyptic setting, simply move to a place with lower taxes and far less or even hopefully no government subsidy programs and a very low 501c company footprint. The rise of the non profits, is synonymous with the rise of corruption which destroys society. Non profits are the mechanisms by which small groups of people profiteer through predatory behaviors while masking their activity as charitable. The more non profits you request, the worse the problem gets.
Everything you need lies in Article 1 Section X.
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
The state has entered into treaty's and alliances with special interest groups. They have granted confederation to peoples based on political views and inalterable heritage traits. They state has granted letters of Marque on every taxpayer and 'non minority', which leads to never ending policy expansion focused on reprisal. The state has counterfeited the total body of wealth over and over again exponentially, your life is a fractional reserve and you have no real wealth. The state has in ex post facto, impaired the obligations of contracts, which is why all the big businesses flee to other states (and you should too Mr Mesnick).
To the final nail, titles of nobility. That would be your dear socialist minded marxist leaders whom believe in the power of big government, and the power that brings them over your life. You have anointed them as nobles with your continued belief in expanding government, that their paychecks are justified in the first place. Who do you think the 501c's answer to? You are likened, and now live, like a peasant.
The final point; What do you call it when everyone except you is a protected class receiving government subsidy? Leave while you still can. It is a good thing to escape multi cultural segments of society, there is no fixing this. Not in the short term at least. How's globalism working out for you personally? How you could still support the ideals and moral positions which led to this, a remarkable study in how long term exposure to propaganda changes peoples hearts and minds. "One at a time the people of the world lost their minds, and one at a time we seek to bring them back to sanity." Big government is bad government, just look around you for clear as day proof. Leave them behind and if you really want your dollars to help and stretch the furthest, the best thing you could do is buy these homeless people bus tickets to rural america with a quick counseling session it's time to start a new life and never come back to this place as long as they live.
Matt Dorsey alone has the spine to identify and propose solutions. The rest on BofS are good at identifying but are spineless and in effect stand for the status quo. Where are you Joel, Rafael, Catherine? Join your brave brother Matt and fix this problem with no nonsense consquences....the Homeless Collison by damned (as they should be, the shameful fools)
I agree with you Erica, and with Adam, and with Susan. SOS will only get you more of the SOS.
Did you see the article on Mayor of Coronado = short version got rid of all the homeless by enforcing the existing laws! Sounds sort of like what Adam is suggesting.
It's not mean or cold hearted to be tough on drug addicts. They are literally killing themselves in public and treating everyone else to the horror show. Instead of enabling them, we need to help them stop. The Homeless Industrial Complex is harming them by enabling them.
Lately Adam has taken to posting threats against other people on Twitter. I can understand his situation must be stressful, but you seem to be fine with this.
Oh god, now I have a better understanding why people in CA are anemic and apparently unable to solve these issues. You people can't get past your own bleeding hearts and excessive egos which create severe narcissism. Newsflash, you're not doing well, you nor your business have a good reputation, as the call for more government intervention and non profit injection merely perpetuates the problem to be larger and larger. The more money the government throws at this, the worse the problem will get.
Put a steamy hot sub right there by a gated window by a sign and some way the wonderful smells waif through the air; 'Get a job and you can have one of these tasty subs!' Frigging move your business and leave the degenerate government subsidies behind. Sometimes people need tough love. Next time you see a drug addict not caring, take his stash and stop it out right there in front of them on the street, give them tough love and demand they get their act together.
If you really care about these people, you'd counsel them to stay as far away from government and subsidy programs as possible. What you people in CA may not understand, is that your pervasive and excessive faux caring which fuels your own ego, has led to half of this country offloading their homeless problems directly to CA. There are rings of corrupt people, working with 501c grant money (other peoples money aka tax money), who's sole purpose is to bus people to CA to be homeless and get more benefits in that state. And they get paid thousands of dollars per person to perform this act of bussing them around. CA is officially a magnet state for homeless, because you believe deep in your heart and souls in larger government, and a never ending expanse of subsidy programs.
You voted for it, you pay for it, and you get it. That simple. If you don't like living in an apocalyptic setting, simply move to a place with lower taxes and far less or even hopefully no government subsidy programs and a very low 501c company footprint. The rise of the non profits, is synonymous with the rise of corruption which destroys society. Non profits are the mechanisms by which small groups of people profiteer through predatory behaviors while masking their activity as charitable. The more non profits you request, the worse the problem gets.
Everything you need lies in Article 1 Section X.
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
The state has entered into treaty's and alliances with special interest groups. They have granted confederation to peoples based on political views and inalterable heritage traits. They state has granted letters of Marque on every taxpayer and 'non minority', which leads to never ending policy expansion focused on reprisal. The state has counterfeited the total body of wealth over and over again exponentially, your life is a fractional reserve and you have no real wealth. The state has in ex post facto, impaired the obligations of contracts, which is why all the big businesses flee to other states (and you should too Mr Mesnick).
To the final nail, titles of nobility. That would be your dear socialist minded marxist leaders whom believe in the power of big government, and the power that brings them over your life. You have anointed them as nobles with your continued belief in expanding government, that their paychecks are justified in the first place. Who do you think the 501c's answer to? You are likened, and now live, like a peasant.
The final point; What do you call it when everyone except you is a protected class receiving government subsidy? Leave while you still can. It is a good thing to escape multi cultural segments of society, there is no fixing this. Not in the short term at least. How's globalism working out for you personally? How you could still support the ideals and moral positions which led to this, a remarkable study in how long term exposure to propaganda changes peoples hearts and minds. "One at a time the people of the world lost their minds, and one at a time we seek to bring them back to sanity." Big government is bad government, just look around you for clear as day proof. Leave them behind and if you really want your dollars to help and stretch the furthest, the best thing you could do is buy these homeless people bus tickets to rural america with a quick counseling session it's time to start a new life and never come back to this place as long as they live.
Matt Dorsey alone has the spine to identify and propose solutions. The rest on BofS are good at identifying but are spineless and in effect stand for the status quo. Where are you Joel, Rafael, Catherine? Join your brave brother Matt and fix this problem with no nonsense consquences....the Homeless Collison by damned (as they should be, the shameful fools)
I moved to the Bay Area from Illinois. I never thought it would be controversial to suggest putting criminals in jail--but here we are!